Gina Hillestad Lystrup – Lille Jul

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Denne nye julesangen er en rolig, nær og åpen sang om håp, mening, og umulig sammenheng i en forrykt, men vakker verden.

For hvordan kan julen, med sin paradoksale og så dypt sammensatte personlighet henge sammen? Et puslespill fra sjel til sjel? Fra slekt til slekt?

I julen søker vi etter roen, men er også så sulten på innhold at vi strever med å finne timer i døgnet til alt vi vil ha stappet inn i den.

«Lille Jul» er en sang til ettertanke – i julens krevende kombinasjoner av forventninger, tradisjoner og følelser som mange kjenner på i denne tiden.

Hilsen Gina og bandet Kantors Kontor

Tekst: Gina Hillestad Lystrup
Melodi og arrangement: Anders Rønningen
Flygel: Terje Baugerød
Bass: Kjetil Hillestad
Perkusjon: Arne Harald Foss
Vokal: Gina Hillestad Lystrup
Kor: Anders Rønningen, Marianne Aarskog og Gina Hillestad Lystrup

Mix, master, produksjon: Terje Baugerød
Coverdesign av Gina Hillestad Lystrup og Terje Baugerød

Innspilt i Ris kirke, Oslo
Digital release by TerjeB Production

Label no: HZ7-026

RELEASE DATO: 15. november 2024

Terje Baugerød – César Franck in Ris Church (album)

On all digital platforms

Click on links below to listen!

César Franck
– Chorale No. 1 in E Major, FWV 38
– Cantabile in B Major, FWV 36
– Fantaisie in C Major, FWV 28

César Franck (1822 – 1890) is one of the most loved and played composers of music for large church organs.

What´s the point of recording music that´s already recorded a bunch of times?

César Franck composed 12 large scale pieces for organ that´s among the best knowned and most loved organmusic. Now, the Norweigian organist, Terje Baugerød, has recorded 3 of these and are planning to record and release the other 9 in the near future.

What´s the point?

They are already available in innumerable versions on every conceivable platform and elsewhere.

Baugerød is also one of the musicians that love most to play whitout notes and to create music in the moment he plays it. Then, what´s the point of being controlled detailed by the notes of a composer born 200 years ago?

For Baugerød, that question has an easy answer:

The music is so fantastic composed, the organ in Ris Church builded by Ryde & Berg in style of Cavaille-Coll sounds so great, and he plays the music just the way he feels to.

Terje Baugerød works as organist in Ris Church in Oslo, in addition to an active career as a performer, producer and composer. He is an openminded, improvising musician and works in particular with classical music, pop, electronica and traditional music from different cultures.

Terje Baugerød – organ

Recorded in Ris Church, Oslo

Organ: Ryde & Berg, 2010

Produced and recorded by Terje Baugerød

Recorded with support from Fond For Utøvende
(The Fund For Performing Artists)


Label no: HZ7-020

RELEASE DATE: 1. october 2021