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«The flame of remembrance shine brightly on the Day of Dead.
«Requiem aeternam dona eis, Domine, et lux perpetua lucaet eis»
«Give them eternal rest, O Lord, and let eternal light shine upon them»
The composition was written in 2021 for Day of the Dead, in memory of my grandparents. The border locks made impossible to be at the funeral, so I tried to be present with a strong memory-visual- musical vibration. The church bells on an imaginary horizont, mirroring through metamorphosis and soul migration.»
Levente Gyárfás: composition, arrangement, performance, mixing
Mastered by Jeløy Sound Mastering Studio
Digital release by TerjeB Production
Video by Pexels
Label no: HZ7-022
RELEASE DATE: 1. november 2022